Monday, January 12, 2015

Reward Exemplar Work

I have been fortunate to have principal support in implementing two initiatives in my school district this school year, Instructional Rounds and Standards Based Bulletin Boards (SBBB).  I have been amazed at the teacher and student growth in both areas.  I will focus this blog on the success of our SBBB initiative.

In the past, walking through our elementary hallways was a bit of a coloring display, or simple QR codes on pictures that led to never-never land.  But not anymore!  Our expectation is that the displays reflect the exemplar work our students and teachers are doing in their classrooms.  We use a rubric for which these SBBB are graded.  Each month by myself and the other Assistant Superintendent walk our buildings and review each new bulletin board.  Here is what review for each board:
  • is the student task aligned with the intent of the TEK, 
  • is the task at a higher level of Bloom's,
  • does the task integrate writing and or technology, 
  • is their written feedback about why the work is exemplar from peers or the teacher. 

It is such a great experience to look at the work from every classroom in our three elementary schools. Teachers and their students are rewarded by being selected as the monthly winner of their campus SBBB.  They replace their SBBB with a "Winner" poster and display their work at central office.  At the monthly school board meetings the teacher leads our board members in a learning walk about the exemplar work she and her students are doing.
  District Initiatives can be a win-win - this one sure has been.  

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