This week we are completing our district-wide Digital-Age Leadership Academy II. The academy included all of our campus administrators, district directors, coaches, and librarians. It has been a great summer of training and my co-presenter Renee Smith-Faulkner (@faulknerr) and I have grown as much as the academy team has. We have taken a great step in supporting and empowering a group of digitally connected leaders within our school district.
I have been most impressed with the willingness of this team to try new things, to step into uncharted waters and to willingly create a platform for others to use as a resource.
My personal learning journey this week was in hosting my first tweet chat @#CISDEdChat. It did take great courage on my part to step away from viewing what others were contributing on twitter and lead my district in a great collaborative session. As a former coach I am guilty of wanting success the first time I try something and sometimes that keeps me from stepping out into areas I am not the expert. As I reflect I have to pause and remember this is what learning is about, trying! So my advice to my fellow educators is to try - after all that's what being a learner is all about.
I am encouraged and inspired by the power of the WILLINGNESS within the administrative team in CISD. We are committed to giving attention to the details and I am excited to see the returns from this commitment. I encourage you to find us on the web at and follow us on our journey towards digital excellence.
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